The Brexit Deal - A Report Card

The Brexit Deal: A Report Card (as supplied by European Movement UK)
We will take back control   What have we gained ?    What have we retained ?    … or only in part?   What have we lost ?   What will it cost?
... of our laws Between 2004 and 2015 successive UK Prime Ministers as members of the Council of Ministers, voted in favour of 92% of all EU laws   The ability to negotiate our own trade agreements   Zero tariffs and quotas for goods that comply with rules of origin   A limited level of market access that allows continued  and sustainable air, road, rail and maritime  connectivity   Frictionless trade   Long term 4% decline in GDP (£86 bn p.a.) see note 1
        Visa free travel beyond 90 days  
  A phased 25% reduction in the value of fish caught by the EU in UK waters         200 mio new customs declarations needing 50,000 more HMRC customs officers
    A level playing field that maintains high levels of protection for environmental standards, the fight against climate change and carbon pricing, social and labour rights (see note 2 below)     Freedom to work in the EU  
      A revised model for the trading and connectivity of energy with guarantees for open and fair competition and security of supply   Freedom to live in the EU  
          Freedom to study in the EU   Additional £7bio cost burden on businesses
… of our money Our net contributions (approx £9bn p.a) to the EU budget were worth < 0.5% of GDP. See "What will it cost" and note 1 below           Zero roaming charges  
          Pet Passports   Border down the Irish sea. Northern Ireland still in the  Single Market
          Financial Passporting  
        Limited and non-privileged access to police and security databases   EU wide Recognition of professional qualifications  
              Higher food prices
            Farming Subsidies   Lower Foreign Direct Investment
… of our borders Under EU Directive 2004/38/EC the UK always had control of its borders within the EU. Successive governments chose not to implement this directive           Limited arrangements for exchange of Passenger Name, DNA, Fingerprint and Vehicle Registration records   EHIC Cards (See Note 3)  
            Erasmus Student Exchange   A weaker pound sterling 
            Access to Galileo (Global Satellite Navigation System   VAT and Excise duties payable on imported alcohol and tobacco products
          Subject to financial contributions, access to Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programmes   Participation and influence in the agencies that provide for the safety of food, medicines, chemicals and aviation.  
              and what Brexit has cost so far - £200billion
  QED: We were always in control           Subject to financial contributions, access to Euratom Research and Training programmes        
              Most Important: We have no trade deal for Services - 80% of the UK economy    
              A reduced level of access to the EU Procurement market        
So was it worth it to gain so little and lose so much to take back control that we had never lost?  Boris Johnson and his government chose this. They own it. They will be held to account.
Note 1: The Office for Budget Responsibility have forecast that over the long term (15 years?) Brexit with a trade deal will cost a 4% decline in GDP. That would be equivalent to £86bn of 2019 GDP of £2.17 trillion.
Note 2: Measures to safeguard the level playing field will be difficult to enforce and there is considerable scope for the UK to deviate/diverge in the future … but with consequences.    
Note 3: EHIC cards are valid until their expiry date. The government plans to replace with these with a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) at some point in the future.    

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